Living on the edge of the Southern Ocean our collection wouldn't be complete without a range of apparel to help you endure the Winter months in style and comfort.
We're exposed to some of the harshest conditions nature can deliver so we've partnered with our friends in the Irish Sea - Fisherman Out of Ireland - to bring you a range of practical and aesthetic knitwear made from 100% natural fibre yarns.
Fisherman Out of Ireland are a premium brand and each jumper is individually knitted to order. There is a 4-6 week delay between ordering your knitwear and receiving it here in Australia.
We encourage our customers to explore the 2023 Stylebook and to submit your orders ASAP to ensure your order arrives before the colder weather does.
WhiteTag is the sole Australian and New Zealand distributor for Fisherman Out Of Ireland and all Australian and New Zealand orders are coordinated through us.
Please browse the Fisherman Out Of Ireland 2023 Style Book and submit an enquiry via the contact form below to order, register your interest or find out more.